It's currently 24°C with clear sky in Puno

but it feels like 22°C with wind blowing from the southeast at 18 km/h and humidity at 81%

24°C 22°C

Puno, Puno

Provincia de Puno

Peru (PE) 🇵🇪
Wind Gust 21.6 km/h
Pressure 1,017 hPa
Clouds 63%
Visibility 9.3km
Sunrise 7:12 PM
Sunset 8:39 AM
Rain 0mm
Snow 0mm

Reported on February 8, 8:37 PM CST

Sub Regions in Puno

Cities in Puno

El Collao


Provincia de Azángaro

Provincia de Carabaya

Provincia de Chucuito

Provincia de Huancané

Provincia de Lampa

Provincia de Melgar

Provincia de Puno

Provincia de Sandia

San Antonio De Putina

San Roman


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