It's currently 28°C with clear sky in Guayaquil

but it feels like 28°C with wind blowing from the southeast at 3.6 km/h and humidity at 88%

28°C 27°C

Guayaquil, Guayas

Cantón Guayaquil

Ecuador (EC) 🇪🇨
Wind Gust 14.4 km/h
Pressure 1,017 hPa
Clouds 24%
Visibility 9.1km
Sunrise 7:12 PM
Sunset 8:39 AM
Rain 0mm
Snow 0mm

Reported on February 9, 1:04 AM CST

Sub Regions in Guayas

Cities in Guayas

Alfredo Baquerizo Moreno (Juján)


Cantón Balzar

Canton Colimes

Cantón Daule

Cantón El Empalme

Cantón Guayaquil

Cantón Milagro

Cantón Naranjal

Cantón Naranjito

Cantón Salitre

Cantón Samborondón

Cantón Yaguachi

Coronel Marcelino Maridueña


El Triunfo

General Antonio Elizalde

Isidro Ayora

Lomas De Sargentillo



Pedro Carbo


Santa Lucía

Simón Bolívar

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