It's currently -1°C with clear sky in Abrikosovka

but it feels like 0°C with wind blowing from the southeast at 14.4 km/h and humidity at 74%

-1°C -3°C

Abrikosovka, Crimea

Feodosiiskyi Raion

Ukraine (UA) 🇺🇦
Wind Gust 18 km/h
Pressure 1,017 hPa
Clouds 6%
Visibility 9.5km
Sunrise 3:12 AM
Sunset 4:39 PM
Rain 0mm
Snow 0mm

Reported on February 8, 12:11 AM GMT+2

Major Cities in Crimea

Sub Regions in Crimea

Cities in Crimea

Bakhchysarai Raion

Belogorskiy rayon

Dzhankoyskiy rayon

Feodosiiskyi Raion

Gorodskoy okrug Yalta

Kerchens'ka Mis'ka Rada

Krasnohvardiiske Raion

Krasnoperekopsk Raion

Simferopol Raion

Yevpatoriiskyi Raion

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