It's currently -20°C with clear sky in Novosibirsk

but it feels like -22°C with wind blowing from the southeast at 28.8 km/h and humidity at 72%

-19°C -20°C

Novosibirsk, Novosibirsk Oblast

Novosibirskiy Rayon

Russia (RU) 🇷🇺
Wind Gust 32.4 km/h
Pressure 1,017 hPa
Clouds 40%
Visibility 9.8km
Sunrise 7:12 AM
Sunset 8:39 PM
Rain 0mm
Snow 0mm

Reported on December 22, 1:13 PM GMT+7

Sub Regions in Novosibirsk Oblast

Cities in Novosibirsk Oblast

Baganskiy Rayon

Barabinskiy Rayon

Chanovskiy Rayon

Chistoozernyy Rayon

Chulymskiy Rayon

Iskitimskiy Rayon

Karasukskiy Rayon

Kargatskiy Rayon

Kochenevskiy Rayon

Kochkovskiy Rayon

Kolyvanskiy Rayon

Kuybyshevskiy Rayon

Kyshtovskiy Rayon

Moshkovskiy Rayon

Suzunskiy Rayon

Tatarskiy Rayon

Toguchinskiy Rayon

Ubinskiy Rayon

Vengerovskiy Rayon

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