It's currently -16°C with clear sky in Arkhangel’sk

but it feels like -17°C with wind blowing from the south at 14.4 km/h and humidity at 76%

-16°C -16°C

Arkhangel’sk, Arkhangelskaya

Primorskiy Rayon

Russia (RU) 🇷🇺
Wind Gust 21.6 km/h
Pressure 1,017 hPa
Clouds 3%
Visibility 9.7km
Sunrise 3:12 AM
Sunset 4:39 PM
Rain 0mm
Snow 0mm

Reported on December 22, 8:26 AM GMT+2

Sub Regions in Arkhangelskaya

Cities in Arkhangelskaya

Kargopol’skiy Rayon

Kholmogorskiy Rayon

Nyandomskiy Rayon

Verkhnetoyemskiy Rayon

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