It's currently -1°C with clear sky in Burgas

but it feels like -2°C with wind blowing from the south at 7.2 km/h and humidity at 72%

0°C -3°C

Burgas, Burgas

Obshtina Burgas

Bulgaria (BG) 🇧🇬
Wind Gust 10.8 km/h
Pressure 1,017 hPa
Clouds 47%
Visibility 9.2km
Sunrise 2:12 AM
Sunset 3:39 PM
Rain 0mm
Snow 0mm

Reported on February 3, 7:11 AM GMT+1

Major Cities in Burgas

Sub Regions in Burgas

Cities in Burgas

Obshtina Aytos

Obshtina Burgas

Obshtina Kameno

Obshtina Karnobat

Obshtina Malko Tarnovo

Obshtina Nesebar

Obshtina Pomorie

Obshtina Primorsko

Obshtina Ruen

Obshtina Sozopol

Obshtina Sredets

Obshtina Sungurlare

Obshtina Tsarevo

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