It's currently 24°C with clear sky in Takeo

but it feels like 25°C with wind blowing from the southeast at 10.8 km/h and humidity at 75%

24°C 23°C

Takeo, Takeo

Krŏng Doun Kaev

Cambodia (KH) 🇰🇭
Wind Gust 21.6 km/h
Pressure 1,017 hPa
Clouds 34%
Visibility 9.3km
Sunrise 7:12 AM
Sunset 8:39 PM
Rain 0mm
Snow 0mm

Reported on February 2, 9:03 AM GMT+7

Major Cities in Takeo

Sub Regions in Takeo

Cities in Takeo


Kaoh Andaet

Kiri Vong

Krŏng Doun Kaev

Prey Kabbas


Srŏk Ângkôr Borei

Srŏk Borei Cholsar

Tram Kak


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