It's currently 10°C with clear sky in Sfax

but it feels like 10°C with wind blowing from the southeast at 10.8 km/h and humidity at 60%

10°C 9°C

Sfax, Sfax Governorate

Sfax Ville

Tunisia (TN) 🇹🇳
Wind Gust 14.4 km/h
Pressure 1,017 hPa
Clouds 9%
Visibility 9km
Sunrise 1:12 AM
Sunset 2:39 PM
Rain 0mm
Snow 0mm

Reported on February 1, 6:50 AM GMT

Sub Regions in Sfax Governorate

Cities in Sfax Governorate


Bir Ali Ben Khalifa


El Amra

El Hencha



Menzel Chaker

Mu‘tamadīyat al Maḩras

Sakiet Eddaier

Sakiet Ezzit

Sfax Sud

Sfax Ville



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